Quantum ESPRESSO Events 2015
Advanced Quantum ESPRESSO Developers’ Training (January 19-30, 2015 ) will be held at ICTP Trieste, Italy. This workshop is a great opportunity to close the...
The Quantum ESPRESSO prize
The Quantum ESPRESSO Foundation, in collaboration with Eurotech, announces the establishment of the Quantum ESPRESSO prize for quantum mechanical materials modeling. The...
Quantum ESPRESSO V.5.1
Version 5.1 of Quantum ESPRESSO is available for download.
Quantum ESPRESSO events 2014
2014 developers meeting
Program of the 2014 developers meeting, held on 8th January 2013 in EPFL.
9:00-9:30 Paolo Giannozzi
Introduction, state of the art, achievements and non-achievements of 2013, plans for 2014 (
Patches for Quantum ESPRESSO v.5.0.2
Patches for Quantum ESPRESSO v.5.0.2 (corrected on May 6) are available from the download page. Look for Release Name 5.0.3. Instructions
The next developers meeting will be held 9th January 2013 in SISSA, in the Red Room of the SISSA library. The tentative program is as follows: 9h00-9h15 Welcome We would like to draw your attention to the _Workshop on Computer Programming and Advanced Tools for Scientific Research Work &
All users and developers are warmly encouraged to share their own developments and add-ons with the QE community at large. Those of you who would, but do not...2013 developers meeting
9h15-10h00 The...Quantum ESPRESSO V.5.0.2
School for Quantum ESPRESSO developers
Quantum ESPRESSO open invitation to contribute