Input File Description

Program: pw2wannier90.x / PWscf / Quantum ESPRESSO (version: 7.3.1)




prefix | outdir | seedname | spin_component | wan_mode | write_unk | reduce_unk | reduce_unk_factor | wvfn_formatted | write_amn | scdm_proj | scdm_entanglement | scdm_mu | scdm_sigma | atom_proj | atom_proj_exclude | atom_proj_ext | atom_proj_dir | atom_proj_ortho | write_mmn | write_spn | spn_formatted | write_uHu | uHu_formatted | write_uIu | uIu_formatted | write_sHu | sHu_formatted | write_sIu | sIu_formatted | write_unkg | irr_bz | write_dmn | read_sym


Purpose of pw2wannier90.x:
   Interface with wannier90 code to construct maximally localized Wannier functions.

   The code reads the nnkp file which is generated by the wannier90.x postprocessing run,
   (wannier90.x -pp seedname). Then, it computes and writes initial projection,
   overlap matrices, energy eigenvalues, and several other quantities that are used by
   the wannier90 code.

Structure of the input data:


Namelist: &INPUTPP

prefix of files saved by program pw.x
Default: value of the ESPRESSO_TMPDIR environment variable if set; current directory ('./') otherwise
directory containing the input data, i.e. the same as in pw.x
seedname STRING
Default: 'wannier'
Seedname for the wannier90 calculation.
spin_component STRING
Default: 'none'
Spin component.
'up': spin up for collinear spin calculation
'down': spin down for collinear spin calculation
'none': for no-spin or non-collinear calculation
wan_mode STRING
Default: 'standalone'
'standalone': for standalone execution of wannier90
'library': for wannier90 library mode
write_unk LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
if .TRUE. write the periodic part of the Bloch functions in real space for plotting
the Wannier functions in wannier90.
reduce_unk LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
if .TRUE. reduce file-size (and resolution) of the real-space Bloch functions
by a factor of reduce_unk_factor along each direction.
Only relevant if write_unk = .true.
reduce_unk_factor INTEGER
Default: 1 if reduce_unk = .FALSE., 2 if reduce_unk = .TRUE.
The reduction factor per direction for reduce_unk. Default 2 means a reduction
of 2x2x2 = 8 of the total number of grid points.
Only relevant if write_unk = .true.
wvfn_formatted LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
if .TRUE. write the wavefunctions in Fortran formatted form.
Only relevant if write_unk = .true.
write_amn LOGICAL
Default: .TRUE.
Set to .false. if A(k) is not required.
scdm_proj LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to compute amn using the SCDM projection.
scdm_entanglement STRING
Default: 'isolated'
'isolated': use SCDM for isolated bands.
'erfc': use erfc function as the SCDM occupation for entanglement bands.
'gaussian': use gaussian function as the SCDM occupation for entanglement bands.
scdm_mu REAL
Set to the chemical potential for the SCDM occupation.
Only relevant if scdm_entanglement = 'erfc' or 'gaussian'.
scdm_sigma REAL
Set to the smearing for the SCDM occupation.
Only relevant if scdm_entanglement = 'erfc' or 'gaussian'.
atom_proj LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to compute amn using the pseudo-atomic wavefunctions
from pseudopotentials as the initial projection.
atom_proj_exclude(i), i=1,n_exclude_proj INTEGER
Default: empty
Set to the index of the pseudo-atomic wavefunctions to be excluded
from the initial projection. This is useful for excluding the
semicore states from the initial projection.
Only relevant if atom_proj = .true.
atom_proj_ext LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to use the external pseudo-atomic wavefunctions
from the files stored in atom_proj_dir as the initial projection.
Only relevant if atom_proj = .true.
atom_proj_dir CHARACTER
Set to the directory containing the external pseudo-atomic wavefunctions.
The file names should be of the form SPECIES.dat, where SPECIES is the
species name of the atom.
For more details, see the wannier90 user guide and examples.
Only relevant if atom_proj_ext = .true.
atom_proj_ortho LOGICAL
Default: .TRUE.
Set to .true. to orthonormalize the pseudo-atomic wavefunctions
before computing the inner product between Bloch states and
the pseudo-atomic wavefunctions.
It is recommended to keep this to .true., set it to .false. only
if you know what you are doing.
Only relevant if atom_proj = .true.
write_mmn LOGICAL
Default: .TRUE.
Set to .false. if M(k,b) is not required.
write_spn LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write out the matrix elements of spin operator
S between Bloch states (non-collinear spin calculation only).
spn_formatted LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write spn data as a formatted file.
Only relevant if write_spn = .true.
write_uHu LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write out the matrix elements of
< unk+b1 | Hk | umk+b2 >.
uHu_formatted LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write uHu data as a Fortran formatted file.
Only relevant if write_uHu = .true.
write_uIu LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write out the matrix elements of
< unk+b1 | umk+b2 >.
uIu_formatted LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write uIu data as a Fortran formatted file.
Only relevant if write_uIu = .true.
write_sHu LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write out the matrix elements of
< unk | s H | umk+b >, which is used in the Ryoo's method
to compute spin Hall conductivity. For more details, see the
wannier90 user guide and examples.
sHu_formatted LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write sHu data as a Fortran formatted file.
Only relevant if write_sHu = .true.
write_sIu LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write out the matrix elements of
< unk | s | umk+b >, which is used in the Ryoo's method
to compute spin Hall conductivity. For more details, see the
wannier90 user guide and examples.
sIu_formatted LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write sIu data as a Fortran formatted file.
Only relevant if write_sIu = .true.
write_unkg LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to write the first few Fourier components of the
periodic parts of the Bloch functions.
irr_bz LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to use irreducible BZ for computing amn/mmn/eig
files. To differentiate from the standard full BZ case, the
files will use the extension names iamn/immn/ieig, respectively.
For more details, see the wannier90 user guide and examples.
write_dmn LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to construct symmetry-adapted Wannier functions.
read_sym LOGICAL
Default: .FALSE.
Set to .true. to customize symmetry operations to be used in symmetry-adapted mode.
When read_sym = .true., an additional input seedname.sym is required.
Only relevant if write_dmn = .true.
This file has been created by helpdoc utility on Tue Mar 19 10:17:30 CET 2024.