Input File Description

Program: pp.x / PWscf / Quantum ESPRESSO (version: 7.3.1)




prefix | outdir | filplot | plot_num | spin_component | spin_component | emin | emax | delta_e | degauss_ldos | use_gauss_ldos | sample_bias | kpoint | kband | lsign | spin_component | emin | emax | spin_component | spin_component | spin_component | spin_component


nfile | filepp | weight | iflag | output_format | fileout | interpolation | e1 | x0 | nx | e1 | e2 | x0 | nx | ny | e1 | e2 | e3 | x0 | nx | ny | nz | radius | nx | ny


Purpose of pp.x: data analysis and plotting.

The code performs two steps:

(1) reads the output produced by pw.x, extracts and calculates
    the desired quantity/quantities (rho, V, ...)

(2) writes the desired quantity to file in a suitable format for
    various types of plotting and various plotting programs

The input data of this program is read from standard input
or from file and has the following format:

   containing the variables for step (1), followed by

   containing the variables for step (2)

The two steps can be performed independently. In order to perform
only step (2), leave namelist &INPUTPP blank. In order to perform
only step (1), do not specify namelist &PLOT

Intermediate results from step 1 can be saved to disk (see
variable filplot in &INPUTPP) and later read in step 2.
Since the file with intermediate results is formatted, it
can be safely transferred to a different machine. This
also allows plotting of a linear combination (for instance,
charge differences) by saving two intermediate files and
combining them (see variables weight and filepp in &PLOT)

All output quantities are in ATOMIC (RYDBERG) UNITS unless
otherwise explicitly specified.
All charge densities integrate to the NUMBER of electrons
not to the total charge.
All potentials have the dimension of an energy (e*V, not V).

Namelist: &INPUTPP

prefix of files saved by program pw.x
Default: value of the ESPRESSO_TMPDIR environment variable if set; current directory ('./') otherwise
directory containing the input data, i.e. the same as in pw.x
file "filplot" contains the quantity selected by plot_num
(can be saved for further processing)
plot_num INTEGER
Selects what to save in filplot:

   0  = electron (pseudo-)charge density

   1  = total potential V_bare + V_H + V_xc

   2  = local ionic potential V_bare

   3  = local density of states at specific energy or grid of energies
        (number of states per volume, in bohr^3, per energy unit, in Ry)

   4  = local density of electronic entropy

   5  = STM images
        Tersoff and Hamann, PRB 31, 805 (1985)

   6  = spin polarization (rho(up)-rho(down))

   7  = contribution of selected wavefunction(s) to the
        (pseudo-)charge density. For norm-conserving PPs,
        |psi|^2 (psi=selected wavefunction). Noncollinear case:
        contribution of the given state to the charge or
        to the magnetization along the direction indicated
        by spin_component (0 = charge, 1 = x, 2 = y, 3 = z )

   8  = electron localization function (ELF)

   9  = charge density minus superposition of atomic densities

   10 = integrated local density of states (ILDOS)
        from emin to emax (emin, emax in eV)
        if emax is not specified, emax=E_fermi

   11 = the V_bare + V_H potential

   12 = the sawtooth electric field potential (if present)

   13 = the noncollinear magnetization.

   17 = all-electron valence charge density
        can be performed for PAW calculations only
        requires a very dense real-space grid!

   18 = The exchange and correlation magnetic field in the noncollinear case

   19 = Reduced density gradient
        ( J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7, 625 (2011), doi:10.1021/ct100641a )
        Set the isosurface between 0.3 and 0.6 to plot the
        non-covalent interactions (see also plot_num = 20)

   20 = Product of the electron density (charge) and the second
        eigenvalue of the electron-density Hessian matrix;
        used to colorize the RDG plot (plot_num = 19)

   21 = all-electron charge density (valence+core).
        For PAW calculations only; requires a very dense real-space grid.

   22 = kinetic energy density (for meta-GGA and XDM only)

  123 = DORI: density overlap regions indicator
        (doi: 10.1021/ct500490b) Implemented by D. Yang & Q.Liu
IF plot_num = 0 or 9 :

Options for total charge (plot_num=0) or for total minus atomic charge (plot_num=9):

spin_component INTEGER
Default: 0
0 = total charge (default value),
1 = spin up charge,
2 = spin down charge.
ELSEIF plot_num=1 :

Options for total potential (plot_num=1):

spin_component INTEGER
Default: 0
0 = spin averaged potential (default value),
1 = spin up potential,
2 = spin down potential.
ELSEIF plot_num=3 :

Options for LDOS (plot_num=3): LDOS is plotted on grid [emin, emax] with spacing delta_e.

emin REAL
Default: e_fermi
lower boundary of energy grid (in eV).

Defaults to Fermi energy.
emax REAL
upper boundary of energy grid (in eV).

Defaults to Fermi energy.
delta_e REAL
Default: 0.1
spacing of energy grid (in eV).
degauss_ldos REAL
Default: degauss (converted to eV)
broadening of energy levels for LDOS (in eV).

Defaults to broadening degauss specified for electronic smearing
in pw.x calculation.
use_gauss_ldos LOGICAL
Default: .false.
If .true., gaussian broadening (ngauss=0) is used for LDOS calculation.

Defaults .false., in which case the broadening scheme
of the pw.x calculation will be used.
ELSEIF plot_num=5 :

Options for STM images (plot_num=5):

sample_bias REAL
the bias of the sample (Ry) in stm images
ELSEIF plot_num=7 :

Options for |psi|^2 (plot_num=7):

kpoint(i), i=1,2 INTEGER
Unpolarized and noncollinear case:
        k-point(s) to be plotted
        k-point(s) and spin polarization to be plotted
        (spin-up and spin-down correspond to different k-points!)

To plot a single kpoint ikpt, specify kpoint=ikpt or kpoint(1)=ikpt
To plot a range of kpoints [imin, imax], specify kpoint(1)=imin and kpoint(2)=imax
kband(i), i=1,2 INTEGER
Band(s) to be plotted.

To plot a single band ibnd, specify kband=ibnd or kband(1)=ibnd
To plot a range of bands [imin, imax], specify kband(1)=imin and kband(2)=imax
if true and k point is Gamma, plot |psi|^2 sign(psi)
spin_component(i), i=1,2 INTEGER
Default: 0
Noncollinear case only:
plot the contribution of the given state(s) to the charge
or to the magnetization along the direction(s) indicated
by spin_component:
        0 = charge (default),
        1 = x,
        2 = y,
        3 = z.

Ignored in unpolarized or LSDA case

To plot a single component ispin, specify spin_component=ispin or spin_component(1)=ispin
To plot a range of components [imin, imax], specify spin_component(1)=imin and spin_component(2)=imax
ELSEIF plot_num=10 :

Options for ILDOS (plot_num=10):

emin REAL
lower energy boundary (in eV)
emax REAL
upper energy boundary (in eV),
i.e. compute ILDOS from emin to emax
spin_component INTEGER
Default: 0
for LSDA case only: plot the contribution to ILDOS of
0 = spin-up + spin-down (default)
1 = spin-up   only
2 = spin-down only
ELSEIF plot_num=13 :

Options for noncollinear magnetization (plot_num=13):

spin_component INTEGER
Default: 0
0 = absolute value (default value)
1 = x component of the magnetization
2 = y component of the magnetization
3 = z component of the magnetization
ELSEIF plot_num=17 :

Options for reconstructed charge density (plot_num=17):

spin_component INTEGER
Default: 0
0 = total charge (default value),
1 = spin up charge,
2 = spin down charge.
ELSEIF plot_num=22 :

Options for kinetic energy density (plot_num=22), LSDA case only:

spin_component INTEGER
Default: 0
0 = total density (default value),
1 = spin up density,
2 = spin down density.

Namelist: &PLOT

Default: 1
the number of data files to read
filepp(i), i=1,nfile CHARACTER
Default: filepp(1)=filplot
nfile = 1 : file containing the quantity to be plotted
nfile > 1 : see weight
weight(i), i=1,nfile REAL
Default: weight(1)=1.0
weighing factors: assuming that rho(i) is the quantity
read from filepp(i), the quantity that will be plotted is:

weight(1)*rho(1) + weight(2)*rho(2) + weight(3)*rho(3) + ...

BEWARE: atomic coordinates are read from the first file;
        if their number is different for different files,
        the first file must have the largest number of atoms

0 = 1D plot of the spherical average
1 = 1D plot
2 = 2D plot
3 = 3D plot
4 = 2D polar plot on a sphere
output_format INTEGER
(ignored on 1D plot)

0  = format suitable for gnuplot   (1D)

1  = obsolete format no longer supported

2  = format suitable for plotrho   (2D)

3  = format suitable for XCRYSDEN  (2D or user-supplied 3D region)

4  = obsolete format no longer supported

5  = format suitable for XCRYSDEN  (3D, using entire FFT grid)

6  = format as gaussian cube file  (3D)
     (can be read by many programs)

7  = format suitable for gnuplot   (2D) x, y, f(x,y)
Default: standard output
name of the file to which the plot is written
interpolation CHARACTER
Default: 'fourier'
Type of interpolation:
'bspline' :
IF iflag = 0 or 1 :

the following variables are REQUIRED:

e1(i), i=1,3 REAL
3D vector which determines the plotting line (in alat units)
x0(i), i=1,3 REAL
3D vector, origin of the line (in alat units)
number of points in the line:

rho(i) = rho( x0 + e1 * (i-1)/(nx-1) ), i=1, nx
ELSEIF iflag = 2 :

the following variables are REQUIRED:

e1(i), e2(i), i=1,3 REAL
3D vectors which determine the plotting plane (in alat units)

BEWARE: e1 and e2 must be orthogonal
x0(i), i=1,3 REAL
3D vector, origin of the plane (in alat units)
nx, ny INTEGER
Number of points in the plane:

rho(i,j) = rho( x0 + e1 * (i-1)/(nx-1)
                + e2 * (j-1)/(ny-1) ), i=1,nx ; j=1,ny
ELSEIF iflag = 3 :

the following variables are OPTIONAL:

e1(i), e2(i), e3(i), i=1,3 REAL
3D vectors which determine the plotting parallelepiped
(if present, must be orthogonal)

e1, e2, and e3 are in alat units !
x0(i), i=1,3 REAL
3D vector, origin of the parallelepiped

x0 is in alat units !
nx, ny, nz INTEGER
Number of points in the parallelepiped:

rho(i,j,k) = rho( x0 + e1 * (i-1)/nx
                  + e2 * (j-1)/ny
                  + e3 * (k-1)/nz ),
             i = 1, nx ; j = 1, ny ; k = 1, nz

- If output_format = 3 (XCRYSDEN), the above variables
  are used to determine the grid to plot.

- If output_format = 5 (XCRYSDEN), the above variables
  are ignored, the entire FFT grid is written in the
  XCRYSDEN format - works for any crystal axis (VERY FAST)

- If e1, e2, e3, x0 are present,
  and e1, e2, e3 are parallel to xyz
  and parallel to crystal axis, a subset of the FFT
  grid that approximately covers the parallelepiped
  defined by e1, e2, e3, x0, is
  written - untested, might be obsolete

- Otherwise, the required 3D grid is generated from the
  Fourier components (may be VERY slow)
ELSEIF iflag = 4 :

the following variables are REQUIRED:

radius REAL
Radius of the sphere (alat units), centered at (0,0,0)
nx, ny INTEGER
Number of points in the polar plane:

phi(i)   = 2 pi * (i - 1)/(nx-1), i=1, nx
theta(j) =   pi * (j - 1)/(ny-1), j=1, ny
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